



マホガニーバイク: 佐野末四郎/佐野マジック

Ten years ago, I knew of Sueshiro Sano because of his skills in buiding wooden bike since 2007.

I wanted to meet him. Then ask him, if I can go or visit his work shop. Then, luckily he said yes.

After that, I went to his work shop by motorcycle for 6 hours.
We were talking about how to build wooden bike. Also I could try on the wooden bike!

The bike is awesome! even though its made from wood. It looks so elegant and sleek. It is also much more faster and lighter compared to carbon bike .

As a craftsman, I can relate to his work. And I can say that he is the best wooden craftsman and best engineer in the world! I hope to purchase his wooden bike in the future! But as of now I still cannot afford it. hahahaha!