作品のために、複雑なカーブを持つ材料を求め材木屋さんを何件も巡り、独特な耳を持つ桜材に出会った。恐らく水際で育ったであろうそれは、ウネリやコブ、虫食いなどとても個性的な個体だった。しかし何かが足りない… 私のイメージする稜線とは違う。そう考えてると2層にする事で、その問題は解決できると分かった。
Last week, I entered a competition in order to win a gift and a large bonus.
However, I was unable to receive a bonus. The end product is satisfactory.
But I’m content. The reason why I’ve been able to create fantastic artwork since. The artwork is a wall mirror, to which I added two layers with gorgeous grain. The title is RIDGELINE.
Why did I come up with the idea? When I was riding my bike up a mountain, I realized how lovely a ridgeline is. Then I decided to include it in my artwork.
After that, I was on the lookout for a specific type of wood. The wood had to be of high quality. Then I discovered it: the wood is cherry. Also, the aroma is wonderful. I completed the task!
I’ll make some more. If you want to buy it, I’ll deliver it to your house after